This is Power Rangers Deck Building Card Game that's produced by the neat folks over at Renegade Studios.
In this Deck-building game, some players will be heroes and some will be villains. You'll start with a meager deck that will become increasingly powerful as the game progresses until you can unleash a powerful Megazord or Master attack. Play against one opponent or team up with a friend to take down the opposition. This core set will begin your collection with everything needed to play, but be prepared for more Rangers and Villains to come!
A great gift for any board game fan!
Recommended Age: 13
Contents: 70 Main Deck Cards, 40 Starter Cards, 12 Oversized Character Cards, 12 Stun Cards, 12 Blade Blaster Cards, 12 Signature Cards, 6 Zord Cards, 6 Master Cards, 1 Megazord Card, 1 Zord Bay Tile, 1 Lair Tile, 4 Turn Order Tokens, 2 Energy Trackers, 1 Rulebook
Condition: Brand New